On this page, everything you see will be ready to ship upon payment verification. What you see is what you get, so PLEASE make sure that you read each description very carefully to make sure you are getting what you want. Have a special order? See something you like here, but want it in a different size/color? Please go to the Custom page and place an order there.

Adult Sized Puff Stitch Hat (Flower not included)

$ 20 USD

What you see is what you get (minus the flower). This is an adult sized hat that is beret style. Fold your hair up in it, pull it down to cover your ears, the ways of wearing are endless!

(Flower shown is a basic pin-back flower, tacked on to demonstrate how you can add any flower to jazz up the hat - or wear it sans flower.)

Don't like this color? See the Custom Orders page to get one in the color you like.


Need a flower? Check there too for a flower made to your color tastes.


Youth Sized Puff Stitch Hat

$ 15 USD

What you see is what you get. This is a youth sized hat that is beret style. Fold your hair up in it, pull it down to cover your ears, the ways of wearing are endless!

*Note - White flower shown comes with the hat, as the button center was made to match the blue hat. If you do not want the flower, please specify when ordering! *

Don't like this color? See the Custom Orders page to get one in the color you like.


Want a different color flower? Check there too for a flower made to your color tastes.



Adult Size Puff Stitch Hat (Flower not included)

$ 20 USD

What you see is what you get (minus the flower). This is an adult sized hat that is beret style. Fold your hair up in it, pull it down to cover your ears, the ways of wearing are endless!

(Flower shown is a basic pin-back flower, tacked on to demonstrate how you can add any flower to jazz up the hat - or wear it sans flower.)

Don't like this color? See the Custom Orders page to get one in the color you like.


Need a flower? Check there too for a flower made to your color tastes.

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